AVIATION experts say India, despite its strategic location, has not been able to capitalise on its advantages because it never envisaged its airports as international hubs, reports New Delhi's India Today.
Nor had it designed them as such from the ground up, unlike Singapore's Changi airport, which was designed to be an international-to-international hub with a focus on space and infrastructure that would suffice for decades to come.
Indeed, even its aircraft maintenance facility (part of the hub ecosystem) was designed to be scalable.
Also airport airlines use such facilities to concentrate and route flights through, connecting passengers and traffic in what is recognised as the hub-and-spoke model.
But if India's ambitions align with reality, it could soon have an international aviation hub of its own, one offering Indian pass-engers increased convenience, more options to international destinations, shorter routes and competitive fares.
For international travellers, it will mean one more gateway. For India's growing civil aviation sector and flagship carriers, this will be a significant opportunity for expansion, said the report.
SeaNews Turkey
Nor had it designed them as such from the ground up, unlike Singapore's Changi airport, which was designed to be an international-to-international hub with a focus on space and infrastructure that would suffice for decades to come.
Indeed, even its aircraft maintenance facility (part of the hub ecosystem) was designed to be scalable.
Also airport airlines use such facilities to concentrate and route flights through, connecting passengers and traffic in what is recognised as the hub-and-spoke model.
But if India's ambitions align with reality, it could soon have an international aviation hub of its own, one offering Indian pass-engers increased convenience, more options to international destinations, shorter routes and competitive fares.
For international travellers, it will mean one more gateway. For India's growing civil aviation sector and flagship carriers, this will be a significant opportunity for expansion, said the report.
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