Spanish energy giant Repsol’s Colombia division has awarded a drilling contract offshore the South American country to Maersk Drilling. The Maersk Developer semisubmersible will be deployed to drill the Siluro-1 exploration well in shallow water (90 metres depth) in block RC-11 off Colombia’s Caribbean coast. Copenhagen-based rig operator Maersk Drilling, a subsidiary of the Danish conglomerate AP Moller Maersk, estimates the single-well job will last 42 days. The contracted fee is $12m, which includes mobilization and demobilization. Work will begin in the second quarter of this year.
04 January 2017 - 14:00
Update: 04 January 2017 - 14:26
Maersk Drilling awarded $12m offshore Colombia contract by Repsol
Maersk Drilling awarded $12m offshore Colombia contract by Repsol
04 January 2017 - 14:00
Update: 04 January 2017 - 14:26
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