DREWRY's composite World Container Index (WCI) decreased by 0.9 per cent to US$7,657.20 per FEU recently, but remains 33.7 per cent higher than a year ago, reports Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide.
The average composite index of the WCI, assessed by drewry for year-to-dat, is $8,768 per FEU, which is $5,439 higher than the five-year average of $3,329 per FEU.
Freight rates on Shanghai-Rotterdam dropped two per cent or $163 to $9,824 per FEU. Spot rates on Shanghai-New York fell three per cent or $338 to $10,926 per FEU. Similarly, rates on Shanghai-Genoa dipped one per cent or $172 to $11,736 and rates on and Rotterdam-Shanghai fell $21 to $1,430 per FEU.
But rates on Shanghai-Los Angeles and Los Angeles-Shanghai gained one per cent each to reach $8,666 and $1,286 per FEU respectively.
SeaNews Turkey
The average composite index of the WCI, assessed by drewry for year-to-dat, is $8,768 per FEU, which is $5,439 higher than the five-year average of $3,329 per FEU.
Freight rates on Shanghai-Rotterdam dropped two per cent or $163 to $9,824 per FEU. Spot rates on Shanghai-New York fell three per cent or $338 to $10,926 per FEU. Similarly, rates on Shanghai-Genoa dipped one per cent or $172 to $11,736 and rates on and Rotterdam-Shanghai fell $21 to $1,430 per FEU.
But rates on Shanghai-Los Angeles and Los Angeles-Shanghai gained one per cent each to reach $8,666 and $1,286 per FEU respectively.
SeaNews Turkey