GEMİSANDER: "The alleged asbestos rates for Neo Sao Paolo are unfounded" The most talked about aircraft carrier Nae Sao Paulo statement came from the Ship Recycling Industrialists' Association (GEMİSANDER), the parent company of shipbreaking companies operating in the Aliağa district of İzmir.Ship Recycling Industrialists Association (GEMİSANDER) President Kamil Önal made important statements to inform the public about the aircraft carrier "Nae Sao Paulo", which will be brought to Aliağa Shipbreaking Facilities for dismantling from Brazil.Making a statement about the aircraft carrier "Nea Sao Paulo", which will be brought to Aliağa Shipbreaking Facilities for dismantling, Ship Recycling Industrialists' Association (GEMİSANDER) President Kamil Önal said that SÖK Denizcilik, who is a member of the Association and served on the board of directors for years, said that the Nea Sao Paulo ship in Brazil was transferred. announced that the process is proceeding in accordance with the Basel Convention with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the Republic of Turkey Nuclear Regulatory Authority and the Brazilian Environment Institute.THE PROCESS IS PROCESSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENTAL URBANIZATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE, THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY AGENCY AND THE BRAZIL ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE AND THE BASEL CONVENTION Stating that the SÖK Shipping company, which bought the Nae Sao Paulo aircraft carrier, which will move to come to our country in the near future, has implemented the European Union criteria at the highest level, the Representative of the Sector, GEMİSANDER President Önal said, “The company has carried out the necessary inventory studies on asbestos, atomic and radiation issues through accredited institutions. and after doing so, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey approved the notification document. After it is finalized that the ship will be brought to our country, our industry, which contributes millions of dollars every year to our country and creates employment, is tried to be worn out with these unfounded news, both in the social media and in some media outlets, with unfounded news that is not based on any justification or document.” said.ASCESTS TALKED ABOUT FALSE, UNDOCUMENTARY AND FAULTY Emphasizing that they have successfully completed the dismantling of such ships for years and that as GEMİSANDER, their sensitivity to the environment is always at the forefront, Chairman Kamil Önal said, "The amount of asbestos, such as 600 tons, 900 tons, which is not found in any ship around the world, has been unfounded and undocumented by some institutions and organizations. Making statements is a tragic event. Now those who can't find what they hope for from asbestos say that there are other toxic substances on board. Our request from our people is that they do not believe in false news and fall into doubt and unfounded fear.” he said.WE ALSO LIVE HERE. WE BREATHE THE SAME AIR AND DRINK THE SAME WATER.Kamil Önal, President of Ship Recycling Industrialists' Association (GEMİSANDER), the only representative of the Shipbreaking industry in Aliağa, said, "We live in this region too! We drink the same water and breathe the same air. We are also raising our children here. This whole process is progressing in a very healthy way with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the Republic of Turkey Nuclear Regulatory Authority and the Brazilian Environment Institute and national and international legal norms, control and audit mechanisms in accordance with the Basel Convention. We know very clearly that our association member SÖK Shipping company will successfully complete this project without harming the environment in the process from the arrival of the ship to its transformation.As GEMİSANDER, we will continue to stand by our company and provide all necessary support. As an association, we will continue to announce all developments directly to the press and the public in this process.” said.
27 July 2022 - 12:34
Update: 27 July 2022 - 12:37
GEMİSANDER: "The alleged asbestos rates for Neo Sao Paolo are unfounded"
The most talked about aircraft carrier Nae Sao Paulo statement came from the Ship Recycling Industrialists' Association (GEMİSANDER), the parent company of shipbreaking companies operating in the Aliağa district of İzmir.
27 July 2022 - 12:34
Update: 27 July 2022 - 12:37
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