Begüm Yachting celebrated its 25th anniversaryBegüm Yachting, one of Bodrum's most established yatching group, celebrated its 25th anniversary with an invitation.The invitation was hosted by Begüm Doğulu, owner of Begüm Yachting. İMEAK DTO Assembly Vice President Recep Düzgit, Bodrum Branch President Orhan Dinç, İMEAK DTO Assembly Member Mustafa Muhtaroğlu, former President of Milas Chamber of Commerce Businessperson Nazmi Doğru and representatives of Bodrum business world and members of the press attended.Begüm Doğulu, the owner of Begüm Yachting, who welcomed her guests at the door at the night blended with the magnificent ambiance of Gümüşlük and the seafood delicacies of Mimoza Fish Restaurant, stated that she was both proud and emotional to celebrate Begüm Yachting's 25th anniversary and said:“There are many companies in the industry that have passed from father to son. As a woman, I am truly proud to single-handedly bring a company into a quarter century. That's why I'm so emotional today. There is no difference between being a woman and being a man in Bodrum. Basement is very different. It is one of the rare places where people live in civilization and equality and do not categorize each other. We are very lucky that we are doing this trade in Bodrum. Our field of activity is also suitable for Bodrum; yacht tourism and super yacht agency. Being in Bodrum is a privilege and I am proud to be a Bodrum brand. Because Bodrum; It is a pilot region that appeals to super yacht customers, equipped with restaurants, marinas, service and food companies, and is the pride of Turkey in yachting. People do not know what a mega yacht leaves to the country, and they are right not to know. Because you need to know the job. It is necessary to know what the average mega yacht leaves to the country when it stays in Turkey. When he stays in our country, he meets all his needs from Turkey for months. Considering that there are 20 customers and 40-50 crews in it, it makes a total of 70 people. So let's think of every boat as a boutique. It leaves at least 100-150 thousand euros in foreign currency per month to places such as Bodrum, Göcek, Kuşadası and Marmaris, where these yachts are cruising areas, together with the fuel, food, marina moorings, technical services and agency services it purchases. This keeps a very serious audience alive, from fuel companies to marinas and marina employees, from florists to greengrocers, transfer companies, guides, agency employees. Our target audience, which we call A Plus, makes a significant contribution to our economy by visiting Turkey with their mega yachts…”There should be a solution to the water and electricity problem…Begüm Doğulu, who returned what she earned from Bodrum as an investment in Bodrum, continued her speech by underlining that companies serving in yacht tourism have requests from both metropolitan and district municipalities:“For example, we experience water shortages in Bodrum from time to time, and we have a hard time conveying this. But marinas somehow solve this. No mega yacht is left without water and without power outages. However, in Göcek, we have a lot of trouble. That's why I have a message that I want to convey to Muğla Metropolitan and Fethiye municipalities. Göcek is a really important region for mega yachts. Göcek is much more popular since it is a customs and border gate. The boat chooses Göcek for wintering. One of the reasons for this is that the airport is 15-20 minutes away. In addition, the fact that Göcek is a small, compact, boutique and cute town is another reason for preference. But unfortunately, due to voltage imbalances, he cannot get electricity from marinas and cannot connect with his own generators for a long time. I want the big city and Fethiye municipalities to take care of them, and I want the electricity and water problem to be solved immediately. Because I don't like our country. While hosting such mega yachts, we should not miss this opportunity. Because this trend will not always continue like this, unfortunately, when they cannot find what they are looking for after a while, they may unfortunately return to Europe. Let's not allow this. We are working very hard to bring these yachts to our country, to accommodate them in our country and to add value to our country's economy, and we expect support from the state for this. Most importantly, as our President said; service export is the export that our country needs most at the moment. Because we are the raw material, Turkish people. One hundred percent Turkish capital. While serving yachts, we export services completely and we have gained an incredible momentum at the moment. We are making very serious turnovers and while providing a very serious foreign currency inflow to our country, please support my dear presidents Bodrum, Göcek and Marmaris as infrastructure, let's not miss these yachts…”President Kocadon Draws Attention to the Importance of Branding… BODTO President Mahmut Serdar Kocadon stated that Begüm Doğulu created a very important brand and underlined that BODTO members achieve great success every year. “In addition to being a brand, Bodrum also has companies like begüm yachting that contribute to the promotion in the international arena by becoming a brand.” Kocadon said, adding that these brands add great value to the region.Begüm Yachting is the Pride of Our Maritime Industry…Orhan Dinç, Head of IMEAK Chamber of Shipping Bodrum Branch, also stated that Begüm Yachting is a very valuable brand; “Begüm Doğulu is the pride of our industry. Begüm, who has achieved many successes, also sets an example for many investors. Dinç concluded his words by saying, “The industry has many problems and they need to be resolved in a short time…”
08 August 2022 - 11:43
Update: 08 August 2022 - 11:58
Begüm Yachting celebrated its 25th anniversary
Begüm Yachting, one of Bodrum's most established establishments, celebrated its 25th anniversary with a magnificent invitation.
08 August 2022 - 11:43
Update: 08 August 2022 - 11:58
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