Ömer Asmalı: Those on board want psychological testingCapt. Ömer Asmalı announced the results of his research on the psychological state of ship workers.
Kuzey Marine Insurance Senior Claims Manager Capt. Ömer Asmalı took part as a speaker in the panel titled "Current Problems of Maritime" organized by the Turkish Maritime Federation (TÜRDEF) at ITU Maritime Faculty. Asmalı made a presentation titled "The Effects of the Psychological Conditions of Ship Workers on Ship Accidents".They also want a test for dissembarkationSharing the results of the survey he conducted with 308 ship crews working on long distances in his presentation, Asmalı said that the most surprising result was "Is a psychological test necessary before boarding a ship?" He said it was the answer to his question. Asmalı stated that 98 percent want a psychological test on every boarding. The rate of those who said no remained at 2%. “Should a psychological test be performed on every disembarkation?” He stated that the answer to the question was 80 percent yes and 20 percent no.Not included in health checkPointing out that Turkish seafarers do not undergo psychological tests under any circumstances, Asmalı stated that they undergo a health check every two years and a thorough check every five years, and that the mental state of the seafarers is ignored during these checks. Stating that the psychological tests performed at the entrance to faculties and colleges providing maritime education were also abolished by YÖK, Asmalı underlined that the psychological test of endurance to the sea environment, which is a must for seafarers, should be done again.
Kuzey Marine Insurance Senior Claims Manager Capt. Ömer Asmalı took part as a speaker in the panel titled "Current Problems of Maritime" organized by the Turkish Maritime Federation (TÜRDEF) at ITU Maritime Faculty. Asmalı made a presentation titled "The Effects of the Psychological Conditions of Ship Workers on Ship Accidents".They also want a test for dissembarkationSharing the results of the survey he conducted with 308 ship crews working on long distances in his presentation, Asmalı said that the most surprising result was "Is a psychological test necessary before boarding a ship?" He said it was the answer to his question. Asmalı stated that 98 percent want a psychological test on every boarding. The rate of those who said no remained at 2%. “Should a psychological test be performed on every disembarkation?” He stated that the answer to the question was 80 percent yes and 20 percent no.Not included in health checkPointing out that Turkish seafarers do not undergo psychological tests under any circumstances, Asmalı stated that they undergo a health check every two years and a thorough check every five years, and that the mental state of the seafarers is ignored during these checks. Stating that the psychological tests performed at the entrance to faculties and colleges providing maritime education were also abolished by YÖK, Asmalı underlined that the psychological test of endurance to the sea environment, which is a must for seafarers, should be done again.